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Pastor Matthew Fanning

November 6, 2010

They Cast Lots Over Israel

Joel 3

By:  Pastor Bill Randles


For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. (Joel 3:1-3)

The prophet Joel saw the Last days as an international trial, with the nations of the world in the docket, and the God of the Universe handing them a 4 count indictment.

The first charge was that the nations scattered God’s people without mercy, even furthering the affliction He had ordained for them because of their unfaithfulness.

The second count against the nations of the world was that they had participated in the partitioning of the Holy Land that God had given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their seed forever.

The Land was not theirs to mete out, nor for them to decide its fate. The God of the Bible, and of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, He alone it is who owns the Holy Land, to dispose of as He sees fit. But the nations have a controversy with Him! (See Psalm 2:1-4!)

The third count is that the nations of the world have “cast lots” for God’s people. As we said earlier,  now is the only time in history where this strange charge can even possibly be made.

Where do the Nations of the world meet together to “Cast Lots” for God’s people? There is indeed a congress of nations which casts lots regularly for God’s people, (among a few other things). I speak of the UN.

Interestingly, The UN is composed of 192 member states, 57 of which are Islamic, and virtually vote as a bloc. The member states are divided into several regional groupings of which turns are taken to serve on the UN security council.

Israel is the only state in the UN which is not put in a regional grouping, and thus which cannot serve on the UN human rights council! Libya has served on it!

Neither can Israel ever serve on the UN security council. In 2002 Syria was put on the US state dept list of terrorist states, yet in that same year Syria served on the security council.

The statistics are stunning, for example as of 2002,

* The Security Council had passed 175 total resolutions. 74 of these were neutral to Israel, 97 were against Israel, 4 went against perceived Arab interests.

*The U.N. General Assembly voted 7,938 times for Israel, but 55,642 times against her interests!

*The U.N. Security council(which Israel is barred from sitting on),has either “condemned”,”censured”, “deplored”, or “strongly deplored” Israel 49 times!

*The Security council has passed 131 resolutions, of which 43 were neutral. But 88 of them criticised or opposed Israel, and never an Arab state, Arab body, nor even the PLO, which is the “father” of modern terrorism!

* The U.N. general assembly has passed 429 resolutions against Israel, and 56 against any Arab states. They have either “condemned”,”vigorously condemned”,”strongly condemned”,”deplored”,”strongly deplored”,”censured” or “denounced” Israel  321 times, and never the Arabs!

There is something dreadfully wrong here, this is more than bias and prejudice, it is satanic and will bring the world into judgment!

Quoting best-selling author and Bible scholar Dave Hunt ,

“More than 60,000 Individual votes have been cast in the U.N. condemning Israel. Yet not once has the U.N. reprimanded those who have without provocation waged four wars of aggression against Israel with the declared intention of annihilating her. Nor have the terrorists been condemned by the U.N. In November 2003, Israel introduced its first request for a resolution since 1976, asking for a prohibition against Arab terrorists who deliberately target  Israeli women and children. Its request was rejected and instead, the U.N. adopted a resolution demanding protection of Palestinian children from Israeli aggression. The U.N.’s adamant opposition to Israel and everything it does is in defiance of the God of Israel and His pledge to restore His people to their promised land.”(Dave Hunt, ‘The Battle For Jerusalem, Chapter 6 of ‘The Gathering Storm’, Mal Couch Gen Ed, 21st Century Press, Springfield, MO, 2005, p. 129]:)